What You Need to Know in Zanzibar

Zanzibar, an enchanting island destination, has its own unique cultural and religious traditions. When it comes to alcohol consumption, it's important to be aware of the local customs and regulations. Here's what you need to know about drinking alcohol in Zanzibar.


Alcohol Availability in zanzibar

Alcohol is available in Zanzibar, particularly in tourist areas, hotels, resorts, and licensed restaurants and bars. These establishments typically offer a variety of alcoholic beverages, including local and international brands of beer, wine, and spirits. However, it's worth noting that alcohol may not be as readily available or as widely consumed compared to some other destinations. In more remote or conservative areas, the availability of alcohol might be limited.

Respect for Local Culture

Zanzibar has a predominantly Muslim population, and Islamic customs and traditions are an integral part of the local culture. Islam prohibits the consumption of alcohol for Muslims, and it is important to be respectful of these religious beliefs. It is advisable to avoid public displays of drinking or excessive drinking in conservative areas. When in doubt, it is best to follow the lead of the local community and respect their cultural norms.

Drinking in Designated Areas

In Zanzibar, alcohol consumption is generally accepted in designated areas such as licensed hotels, resorts, bars, and restaurants. These establishments have obtained the necessary permits to serve alcohol to both locals and tourists. It is important to be mindful of the specific regulations and policies of each establishment regarding alcohol service and consumption

Consumption Restrictions during Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan, which is observed by Muslims worldwide, there are stricter restrictions on alcohol consumption in Zanzibar. As a sign of respect for the fasting Muslims, it is advisable to refrain from consuming alcohol in public areas during daylight hours. Some establishments may choose to limit or suspend alcohol service during this period.